If you need a personal loan and you are a salaried individual, you need to make sure that you have your salary slips to prove your income. For a salaried individual to get an instant personal loan, salary slips will be an important document that needs to be submitted with the loan provider. However, various companies do not offer salary slips or payslips just pick this they either pay the salary in cash or they do not offer the payroll benefits like PF and ESI. Therefore, for such salaried individuals that becomes very difficult to produce salary slips to get a personal loan. However, this is not a common problem faced by one or two individuals. Many have this is a common problem and therefore there are solutions to it. Even the loan providers and financial institutions are aware of the fact that there are companies that do not offer salary slips. Therefore, some alternatives are accepted by loan providers if you are not being able to provide salary slips to prove your income while you do a personal loan online apply.
Last six months bank
If you are not being able to provide salary slips to your loan provider to prove your income, you can do one thing. Offer the last six months' bank statement where your account gets credited with your salary. If your employer credits your salary in the account but does not offer you a salary slip, you can easily get a loan by showing your bank account statement for the last six months which has the records of your income. This is done by various loan providers if the borrower is not able to show pay slips off the employer. The loan provider checks the bank account statement and finds the credit is done by the particular employer to get the income proof. However, make sure that your employer is paying your salary from the company bank account and not any personal bank account where the company name is not being reflected. If the company name is not reflected in your bank account then you will have serious issues improving your income. Thereby, make sure that even if you are getting your account should be from your company bank account.
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Get a document from
the employer
If your salary is being paid in cash, you cannot help it out with a bank statement. Thereby, you can always get a formal document letter from your employers and that states your income. Other documents can be an offer letter or an employment letter where your income is stated.
Not having salary slips cannot come between you and your personal loan eligibility. You can get your bank account statement checked by the instant personal loan provider to prove your monthly income. Connect with a leading NBFC like Clix Capital to get your loan approved.
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